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@Composable fun ComposableSample() { var blockSize = 48.dp var blockSizePx = with(LocalDensity.current) { blockSize.toPx() } var swipeableState = rememberSwipeableState(initialValue = Status.CLOSE) var anchors = mapOf( 0f to Status.CLOSE, blockSizePx to Status.OPEN ) Box( modifier = Modifier .size( height = blockSize, width = blockSize * 2 ) .background(Color.LightGray) ) { Box( modifier = Modifier .swipeable( state = swipeableState, anchors = anchors, thresholds = { from, to -> if (from == Status.CLOSE) { FractionalThreshold(0.3f) } else { FractionalThreshold(0.5f) } }, orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, ) .offset { IntOffset(swipeableState.offset.value.toInt(), 0) } .size(blockSize) .background(Color.DarkGray) ) } }
enum class Status { CLOSE, OPEN }